Thursday, 23 February 2012

Identifying and Using Tropical Vegies No.1 'b'

Some of the info I have copied from a hand-out we received on the day...

Edible Flowers - Nasturtium, Pineapple Sage flowers and leaves, Society Garlic flower, Garlic Chives flower...

Brazillian Spinach - (Sissoo Spinach, Sambu Lettuce) Alternanthera Triandra sp.
Origin: Highlands, wet, cool South America
Plant: Sept - March
Harvest: Sept - June 
Related to Hibiscus. Mucilaginous.

Kan Kong - eat end bits - hollow stems. Good greens for summer. Likes damp spots. Can be eaten raw. Grown from chopped up sections.

Ceylon Spinach - lovely raw. Mucilaginous. Trailer or loose limber. Red stem or green stem varieties. Seed of red stem can be used as food colouring.

Tahitian Spinach (Taro family) Xanthosoma Brasillience - grown as a green. 
Origin: hot, humid tropics
Plant: Sept-Feb
Harvest: Nov-May
The tahitian spinach leaf is better than taro and cocoyam as a 'tropical green' as it has the least amount of irritating crystals and does not need a long cooking time - ten minutes is adequate. Serving the leaves with coconut milk or cream will help the body to use the Vitamin A, which is a fat-soluble vitamin. Harvest the young leaves and cook in stews, casseroles and leaf wraps. This plant does not have an edible corm. 

Lebanese Cress -  likes damp and shade. Ground cover, slightly peppery.

Salad Mallow (Corchorus olitorius) (Mulaheyah, Egyptian Spinach, Jews Mallow)
Put the little seed pods in salads.

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Workshops at Yandina Community Gardens - No.1

Our first workshop was on the 21st of January - 'Identifying and Using Tropical Vegetables' with Robyn Ford and Linda Mahony.
   This is what the flyer read:
  If you have ever wondered just what to do with all the unusual 'permie' plants that you now seem be growing in your vegie gardens - apart from using them as mulch that is - then come along to this workshop where Robyn will take you through a variety of these plants from identification to growing requirements. There will be samples of some yummy food made with these plants available for you to taste.
    We left home around 7:15am, stopped for a wee break at the big servo on the way, then arrived just as it began at 9:30am. The room in the community centre, which was once a small suburban house, had been opened up from two smaller rooms, but it was standing room only by the time we got there! The organisers were amazed - last year they had averaged 30 people at their workshops - we signed in as numbers 72 and 73!
    I'll now relay what I wrote as we stood there and listened...

( for pics and more info...)
Tumeric - dies down in winter - best time to harvest. Easy to make into powder - chop in processor, dry it in dehydrator, then grind up with mortar and pestle.

( for pics and more info)
Ginger - same as Tumeric. 

(Taken at Crystal Waters, Maleny, Qld)
( for more info)
Lemon Myrtle (Backhousia citriodora, a native tree) aka lemon myrtle, lemon scented myrtle, lemon scented ironwood great leaves, has medicinal uses, and is fabulous in tea.

( for pics and more info)
Coriander - the Mexican and Sawtooth varieties are perennial; not as tender or pretty as the best known sort, but have the same flavour. (I bought a small pot plant of the Sawtooth back and planted it at the Kitchen garden.)