Evan showing us Garlic and Tumeric.
Ginger growing in the food forest.
Planting Pineapple Sage. (It has the most beautiful scent!)
By this stage the heat was starting to get to me and a couple of the others, so we headed down into the shade of the porch and helped Morag with setting out lunch. The rest came down 15 minutes later and we all had lunch. This time we had some visiting wildlife!
Morag and Evan took pity on us and after lunch we did some propagation and potting on the table under the porch. It was much cooler there, especially with the breeze coming up from the dam.
Morag showed us how to propagate a few plants, from hard and soft stem cuttings, and by planting. A number of plants were potted up for us to take home, and Morag took those interested, out for a ramble around the garden to get getting of much admired plants! We were also given a selection of seeds to take home if we wished. I took some for the community garden.
I took home a potted Arrowroot plant and some Lemongrass, as well as a potted cutting of Lavender and a cutting of Pineapple Sage. So far (3 weeks later) everything is growing, although I haven't yet planted out the lavender, and the sage is in a glass of water, and still growing! I'm waiting for roots...
Plant propagation through hard and soft cuttings, and planting. Also seed dissemination!
Our weekend course was over soon after that. We walked back to the bunkhouse, packed up, and on the way out stopped to see the bamboo grove (pictured earlier). Then we took the long trek home, although we were running a few hours early due to the early start that morning.
I found it a great weekend - I picked up a few things I didn't know, and had many more things confirmed. I also got to meet a great bunch of people, and loved having Steve there to share it with me. I hope we can both get back up there to do our Permaculture Design Certificates in 2012.
Dec 2011.