Monday, 18 July 2011

Abbey Medieval Festival 2011

On the 9th and 10th of July, we went to the Abbey Medieval Festival, held annually on the Bribie Island road, Caboolture Queensland Australia.
  This year was our fifth.  We first conceived the idea of being a part of the Shuvani Romani Group, as re-enactors, when we saw the troupe at the Brisbane Medieval Festival at Musgrave Park, South Bank, in 2006. 
   As soon as I saw them and their Gypsy Wagon, I wondered if they would be interested in having a gen-you-wine Gypsy Cob to display! We had bought Geordie by this stage, but he hadn't arrived yet. 
  It was my first meeting of Margaret, and she was delighted to hear about our impending importation, and very keen to include Geordie at the Abbey Festival in 2007. Margaret is the dance teacher and motivator behind the troupe.
   That first year we took Geordie, and he was great! Only a baby, not even 3 yet, and despite being a little disturbed by all the drums and pipes the first day, he settled right in by the Sunday. The next year we took him again, and by this time he was an old hand.

  The third year he was away getting trained to saddle, so we just went along as re-enactors. The fourth and this year we invited Belinda to bring her mare Echo, and although this year we originally planned Bel to bring her newly imported mare with her brand new foal, that plan was sadly foiled when her mare slipped the foal a month before it was due. Echo once again stepped into the breach, and again become the Star of the camp! Bel gained her usual bunch of admirers, too!

  Around 11am both days, Bel and Echo got to show off in the grand parade in the arena, with the whole troupe of dancers and drummers. She was a little unsettled on Saturday but by Sunday was quite relaxed.
 The goat man, Col, and his partner were there with their goats. Col was a great help with his chainsaw during setup a few weekends before.
 The dancers are the main attraction...

 Steve was taken with the Falconer...
   I was more taken with Steve ;}
 In the dying dusk light of our weekend's end, we captured images of Margaret astride Echo the Gypsy Cob...

It's a special time, a weekend where we step out of reality into fantasy - if you love to read and learn about Medieval times, you'll adore coming along to see all the sights and sounds of the Abbey Medieval Festival - and maybe even be inspired to become a re-enactor yourself!